With regular checks by independent testing institutes, we ensure that the quality of our products and production processes not only meet the required certification standards, but also meet the high standards we set ourselves. This means that consumers worldwide can have every confidence in the premium quality and flavour of our products.
IFS Food 6.1
After a thorough examination on company’s records EUROCERT s.a certified ELBAK s.a with the highest category: “PLATINUM 99.21%” (energy recovery: 82.12% recycling: 2.91% & reuse: 14.17%) which refers to:
- almost zero waste to landfill
- saving natural resources
- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- reduction of material consumption
- reuse of materials
- Recycling, composting by using anaerobic processes
- Energy recovery from waste
The synergy of certification and industrial production, in the area of the circular economy, is fully aligned with the vision and goals of the European Green Deal in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Zero Waste to Landfill
After a thorough examination on company’s records EUROCERT s.a certified ELBAK s.a with the highest category: “PLATINUM 99.21%” (energy recovery: 82.12% recycling: 2.91% & reuse: 14.17%) which refers to:
- almost zero waste to landfill
- saving natural resources
- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- reduction of material consumption
- reuse of materials
- Recycling, composting by using anaerobic processes
- Energy recovery from waste
The synergy of certification and industrial production, in the area of the circular economy, is fully aligned with the vision and goals of the European Green Deal in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.